10 FileMaker 10 Techniques
10 FileMaker 10 Techniques
22 mars 2010 - Auteur : - Catégories : Blog, Technique

10 FileMaker 10 Techniques

At first glance, FileMaker 10 is mostly about a new interface and a new toolbar. But FileMaker 10 also introduces outstanding improvements for developers. Download these examples and see how the new features will change the way you develop. Radically.

These files were presented at the Paris FM Conférence 2009.by Fabrice Nordmann, founder of 1-more-thing.

They were improved in order to be more easily portable to your solutions.

Type Ahead shows how a user can dynamically filter data while typing, whether data is displayed in a portal or in a list view.


Field Length Control demonstrates the ability to control the authorised input length in a field. The user doesn’t need to exit the field in order to get feed-back.


Password Style Field shows how you can now use a simple field for password input, without using a custom dialog.


Tab Control illustrates how script triggers allow you to control tab panels elegantly.

Field As Button allows you to use a field as a button. Thanks to script triggers, you can shorten the script parameters and avoid the ’video inverse’ effect.


Single Value List or how to simplify value lists management with FileMaker 10. In this example you’ll see how with one defined value list, you can display as many as you want, including conditional lists!


Field Name Calculations is the first of a serie about ’working with field names’. Here is how your calculations can become proper functions, of which result will vary depending on the field that contains them.


Interdependent Fields shows how hard-coding has become unnecessary in your calculations. Here we do a simple unit conversion (inches/centimiters) with 3 different techniques to illustrate the improvements.


Save/Restore Finds. Add the ability to store and restore a find to your solutions. Beyond the new native FileMaker 10 feature called Saved Finds, this technique shows how you can create a record for each saved find. Would you like to share a find with another user, or control precisely in which context you want to see a find… this technique is for you. It is comparable to Mac OS X/Mail.app/iTunes Smart Folders: do a find once, redo it as many times as you like.


Field Map. Finally, the best one. Work-around issues related to import orders in FileMaker. This technique allows you to map the field import using… the relationship graph!

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