

Everything about FileMaker 2024

4 June 2024 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News, Technique, Uncategorized

FileMaker 2024 has just been announced by Claris! See on As usual, when Claris announces a new version of FileMaker you'll find everything you need to know on our blog, for geeks and non-geeks alike. Ready, set, go! Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM) This is of course THE most visible feature [...]

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Video: Get Started With FileMaker in 10 minutes… for FREE

28 September 2023 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, Technique, Video
FileMaker: Get Started

When it comes to database management and application development, the FileMaker platform has been a trusted choice for years. However, with so much information available, it can sometimes seem like a daunting task to get started. That's where Fabrice Nordmann comes in to simplify the process for you. Who is Fabrice Nordmann? Fabrice Nordmann is [...]

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FileMaker 2023 20.2 – Layout Calculations – Video

26 September 2023 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, Technique

Claris has just announced a new release of FileMaker, 20.2. Among other new features and improvements, let’s take a closer look at layout calculations. Video by Fabrice Nordmann Updates: I forgot to mention symbols in the video. Introduced very early (FileMaker Pro 2 or earlier), symbols like ## (page number), @@ (record number), “//” (current […]

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FileMaker 2023 – “Audit log”

25 April 2023 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, Technique
FileMaker 2023 icon

As we saw in this detailed review of what's new in FileMaker 2023, one of the two flagship features, along with Perform Script on Server With Callback, is what Claris calls "Audit Log." There is so much to know about this feature that we preferred to dedicate a full post to it. Not an audit [...]

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