Category: News

Category: News

Everything about FileMaker 2024

4 June 2024 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News, Technique, Uncategorized

FileMaker 2024 has just been announced by Claris! See on As usual, when Claris announces a new version of FileMaker you'll find everything you need to know on our blog, for geeks and non-geeks alike. Ready, set, go! Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM) This is of course THE most visible feature [...]

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FileMaker 2023

25 April 2023 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News, Technique, Video
FileMaker 19 to FileMaker 2023

FileMaker 2023 is available! an in-depth exploration. Claris just announced the immediate availability of the new version of FileMaker, FileMaker 2023. It has been a long time since we published a long article about a new version of FileMaker. The main reason to that was probably that numbering system in version 19 did not give [...]

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The Claris Excellence Award for Innovation goes to!

15 December 2021 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News
Claris Innovation Excellence Award Badge

It is a great honor and pleasure for us to announce that 1-more-thing has been awarded today by Claris with the most sought-after prize: the Claris Excellence Award for Innovation Indeed, the jury has recognized our revolutionary FileMaker hosting service, and the fact that it is light years ahead of traditional services. For two [...]

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Best Startup EU Names 1-more-thing Among The Top Data Integration Startups In Belgium

29 October 2021 - Author : - Category : Blog, News
Best Startup Logo

We are thrilled to announce we have been featured in the Best Startup EU Magazine as one of the top Data Integration companies in Belgium. Thanks to our expertise in designing Low-Code applications and integration/orchestration, 1-more-thing was selected due to exceptional performance in the innovation category, among the following categories: Innovation Innovative ideas Innovative route […]

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FileMaker Server on Linux: the 2.0 revolution

2 November 2020 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News

You have to get used to it, with the new short release cycles of FileMaker, important new features are no longer necessarily on a fixed date with a new version number. It is therefore no longer enough, for those interested in the FileMaker platform, to set aside some time in May to inquire about the […]

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What a week!

10 March 2020 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News

Well, there are weeks when things happen, things! Of course, the big news last week was the release of Claris Connect. Our videos in French and English have broken records in terms of number of views, and have been re-published by some specialized media such as MacGénération or mac4ever As a result, we have been awarded […]

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Claris Connect: the new integration/orchestration platform by Claris

3 March 2020 - Author : - Category : Blog, FileMaker, News, Technique, Video - Tag : , ,

Today Claris made its new integration/orchestration platform available: Claris Connect. During DevCon 2020 in Orlando, Brad Freitag (@bradfreitag), CEO of Claris International announced the acquisition by Apple/Claris of the Italian startup Stamplay. A few months later, Claris Connect is born! This new platform allows you to create and automate very complex data workflows in minutes… […]

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FileMaker launches its Marketplace

12 September 2019 - Author : - Category : Blog, Conference, FileMaker, News
Marketplace launch

Today Claris launches its FileMaker Marketplace. Guess who got the top spot on the first page? Nutshell Console of course ! The flagship product of the season, cited many times during the last DevCon in Orlando. Beyond this sweet satisfaction, we are very excited about this FileMaker Marketplace. While there isn’t much content at this […]

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FileMaker Inc. becomes Claris

7 August 2019 - Author : - Category : Conference, FileMaker, News
DevCon 19

A quick note from Orlando, where 1-more-thing’s Romain Dunand and yours truly attend FileMaker DevCon’19, the annual FileMaker developer conference. Brad Freitag, the new CEO – who had previously held the position of sales manager for six years – made some sensational announcements at the inaugural keynote. The most striking is the name change of […]

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