
Blog : News, articles, tech briefs, and custom functions

Knowledge sharing is one of our core values: our team members are regular speakers at various FileMaker community gatherings, they also actively participate in technical forums, and contribute to open source projects.
This very blog is also a place where we share with you ideas, technical discoveries, features … and of course some pieces of our everyday lives.
Enjoy reading! and do feel welcome to comment.


11 June 2019 - Author : - Category : Uncategorized

As every year in June, the dotfmp unconference took place in Berlin last week, and as every year, it was the best FileMaker events for geeks. Thank you so much, Egbert, for making this event so interesting and pleasant. 1-more-thing was there with 5 team members (Jean-Frédéric Struyven, Laurent Spielmann, Andries Heylen, Yann Trauchessec and [...]

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Quick Find: the forgotten feature

26 September 2018 - Author : - Category : FileMaker, Technique

Released with FileMaker 11, more than 8 years ago in 2010, Quick Find is probably one of the most underestimated features in FileMaker. For some reason, there wasn’t even much emphasis in the product marketing when it was released. Platform evengelists would mention it as a ‘Google-like search engine within FileMaker’, product documentation said ‘search […]

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Hierarchal Portals Using ExecuteSQL

27 March 2013 - Author : - Category : Uncategorized

Recently, Doug West, Excelisys, published an interesting and simplified technique to manage hierarchal portals in FileMaker. Still, it relies on a data model that makes the handling of hierarchy difficult (move, duplicate, sort) or impossible (many-to-many relationships…) Here is an alternative based on the very same example (and the same data), using FileMaker 12 ExecuterSQL function, in […]

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