1MT Log
1MT Log

1MT Log

$99.00 VAT excl.


1MT Log is a ready to use FileMaker Add-on intended for developers who want to implement a log/measurement tool in their custom apps.

FileMaker is a magic product and millions of users around the globe enjoy it and couldn’t work without it, but it’s fair to say that, as a development environment, it misses a number of tools that one would think every development app would have

An example is logging. FileMaker comes with several log files of course, on server and client side, but nothing that really helps the developer to log custom information.
Time measurement is also not something easy to do, to say the least. And developers badly need logging and benchmarking. And it becomes even more fundamental when it comes to writing scripts that are executed on server.

1MT Log makes it super simple to implement such tools.

Follow our video to learn how to use it. Shortly you will wonder how you could work without it.


  • Benchmark your scripts, debug server side scripts or scripts that run on FileMaker Go…
  • Write to table and / or to file, with different log levels (for instance log everything in a table and only errors in a log file)
  • Adjust the level of logging, and manage exceptions (if a user has a specific problem, adjust the log level for his account to be able to get more info)
  • View the user’s environment variable.
  • Track sessions
  • Isolate a process or a subprocess.


The licence is for a single developer, with unlimited number of implementations.


All you have to do is learn how to use these scripts:

  • Start a process (optional)
  • Start a subprocess (optional)
  • Write to log (main script), with one parameter (see below)
  • End a subprocess (optional)
  • End a process (optional)

To pass the parameter to the script, you’ll find one custom function that makes it super easy :

Log Parameter

  • log.level.10.profile, log.level.20.debug, log.level.30.info, log.level.40.warning and log.level.50.error
  • are custom functions that make it even easier to select the log level.
  • log.benchmark makes measuring performance a child play.

The add-on contains a tutorial script. (Read me)

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